
Why are Indian students choosing to study in New Zealand?

Why are Indian students choosing to study in New Zealand?
There has been a significant increase in the number of Indian students enrolling to various different universities and institutes in New Zealand. According to New Zealand’s high commission there has been a 28 per cent increase in the number of Indian students migrating to New Zealand for studies in the year 2017.
In 2018 there has been a 6 percent increase in enrollments to universities in New Zealand by Indian students along with a 24 per cent overall growth in first-time student visas. There are many reasons why New Zealand is quickly becoming a top destination for Indian students wanting to pursue higher education. Here are a few compelling reasons why you should consider New Zealand as your study destination.
Easy entry requirements:When choosing to study in New Zealand you will find that the competition to gain admissions in top quality institutes is considerably lesser than other countries. This is due to the fact that the government of New Zealand has a long history of investing heavily in the education sector, which has in turn given rise to multiple world class universities and institutes.
New Zealand’s universities and institutes have good infrastructure and implement modern techniques of teaching, allowing them to impart quality education to a greater number of students. Thus even students with moderate grades have a good chance of gaining admission at universities in New Zealand.
Affordable cost of living:The cost of living in New Zealand is moderately affordable when compared to other developed countries. Food is abundant and reasonably priced, there is a plethora of student accommodation options and public transport is cheap and well designed allowing for easy cost effective commuting.
High quality education:The education system in New Zealand is based on the British education system which also happens to be the foundation for the Indian education system, making it easier for Indian students to adjust. New Zealand’s university education system is a research based system which requires the academic staff to be researchers themselves, this plays a vital role in ensuring and maintaining high standards.
Wide variety of opportunities:There are eight universities and multiple government recognized high quality institutes in New Zealand peppered through both the islands (North & South) of New Zealand. Although most of the popular courses in fields like business, information technology and arts are available in all the universities and institutes, there are some highly specialized, unique courses offered by individual institutes.
The demand for these unique courses is fueled by New Zealand’s thriving local industries such as the viticulture & wine making industry. New Zealand is known globally for its high quality grape produce and great wines.
Beautiful country:New Zealand offers the perfect combination of busy cosmopolitan cities and rolling serene countrysides. It boasts of long spotlessly clean beaches, misty hillsides carpeted with pristine coniferous forests, high snow covered peaks and large tracts of orderly farmland.
Multicultural society:New Zealand is taking major strides towards becoming a full fledged immigration oriented harmonious multicultural society. While studying in New Zealand’s universities you will come across students from all around the globe including Chinese, Maori, Japanese, Malaysians etc all studying and working together in peace and harmony, offering you the chance to gain invaluable global cultural exposure.

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